"The world needs more health coaches"
We are off the scale passionate about Health Coaching and believe that everyone should have their own Health Coach. Without our health, all areas of our lives are impacted; improving health is the single most important investment anyone can make and the great news? As a Health Coach you get to be on this journey with them too.
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
CEO & Director of Health Coach Training
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
CEO & Director of Nutrition Training
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Communications & Enrolment Director
With collectively over 35 years experience we understand this profession and what it takes to be an excellent Health Coach. We also understand the importance of getting the right training to do what is arguably one of the most important roles you will ever have - supporting someone to regain and take control of their health.
Most people are drawn to Health Coaching because they have their own health story; it could be yours, it could be the people around you that matter to you. Whatever has ignited your passion for health and brought you here today, our job is to work with you to turn that spark into a calling and a career.
Our HCA team is often referred to by our students as the HCA family; we ensure that your learning meets stringent academic criteria and comes alive through experiential training, led by experts who teach by demonstrating the art of Health Coaching. Everyone you meet at HCA has practised successfully as a Health Coach - this is so important and one of our top values; our job is not just to teach you to be a Health Coach, but to inspire you to be one as well.
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Director of Studies
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Head of Student Experience
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Systems Support
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Hub Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Content Marketing Manager
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health Coaching Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health Coaching Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Senior Course Consultant
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Senior Course Consultant
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
RIO Project Consultant
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Head of Live Supervision
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Student Support Manager
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Admin Support
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Assessing Lead
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health & Wellness Trainer
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Mentor and Compliance Lead
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health Coaching Mentor & Contributor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Senior Course Consultant
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Administrative Support
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Coaching Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Senior Health Coach Trainer
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Enrolment Manager
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Hub Director
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Curriculum Development Coordinator
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health Coaching & Nutrition Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health Coaching Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Health Coaching & Nutrition Mentor
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."
Senior Course Consultant
"I love helping you transform your confidence and create an entrepreneurial mindset. The biggest thrill for me is when I can see you reach that success tipping point in your business and transform yourself as a person, and as a professional."